Visual Arts, Columbia University, New York

This course examines ways of looking and ways of seeing, both personally & professionally as artists and in a larger cultural context. Through field trips to contemporary art and other cultural sites, conversations with visiting critical thinkers and practicioners, readings, discussions, and visual & written responses, we will examine how we look, think, act, create and respond--critically questioning our own artistic practices and ways of looking at the world.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Last Friday I saw a pair of wings that something (hopefully not someone) left on the Broadway side of the Northwest Corner building. I pulled out my iphone and snapped a few digital images for the sake of remembering. This was the first of three, and the only bird's eye view. Normally I send images of my day out to my sisters, but because I have two parrots, African Greys with similar colored wings, I was afraid that if I sent it to anyone close to me, their first thought would be that one of my birds had been attacked, and even if I provided a caption, the initial terror would be very unpleasant for them. I also feel a bit guilty taking visual delight from such an image with my own birds sitting across the room, thus I've been carrying this around with me for almost a week and terrified for anyone who knows me well to see it.

It's not a big deal, I know that. But the small delight I take from it is from the remains of the body that has been torn from its bones--and so cleanly, at that. It's kind of sick, I think, that in a sense what you're looking at is a little of my guilty pleasure.  

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