Visual Arts, Columbia University, New York

This course examines ways of looking and ways of seeing, both personally & professionally as artists and in a larger cultural context. Through field trips to contemporary art and other cultural sites, conversations with visiting critical thinkers and practicioners, readings, discussions, and visual & written responses, we will examine how we look, think, act, create and respond--critically questioning our own artistic practices and ways of looking at the world.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Catherine Wang is fearful of birds
She wonders why they carry germs under their vile wings

She is fearful of plastic
Every each and one of us have owned and consumed plastic larger than the volume of our body

She is fearful of inflation
All kinds of inflation
bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles and they will not stop bubbling
And pop goes the world

She is fearful of the way pineapple burns her tongue
And kiwi does that too, sometimes
But we don’t stop eating them, oh there’s no way

She is fearful of zombies
How great is that kind of afterlife I dream about it all the time
Yes you do too

She is fearful of her own body
Why is a woman a woman and a man a man
She is a she and she just doesn’t  get it

She is fearful of her mouth
Why did rembrandt paint carcass
And she ate it, just as all the omnivorous humans did
Why is there a pope sitting there in the middle of the carcass, bacon is stupid sometimes

She is fearful of death
Not hers, but everyone elses
Nature morte, please don’t stop moving
Einstein says you are moving when you don’t
But she doesn’t see it, and if she can’t see it, she cannot believe it

God we are so scared of ourselves but we just don't stop loving ourselves
And that’s why she paints

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