Visual Arts, Columbia University, New York

This course examines ways of looking and ways of seeing, both personally & professionally as artists and in a larger cultural context. Through field trips to contemporary art and other cultural sites, conversations with visiting critical thinkers and practicioners, readings, discussions, and visual & written responses, we will examine how we look, think, act, create and respond--critically questioning our own artistic practices and ways of looking at the world.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What is an Image (DP)


Prompt 1 An image that attracts you
I began to see the art from the western contemporary artists, my upcoming fellows. It was really different from the impression I got from those classic oil paintings and sculptures seated in Met and Louvre.

Prompt 2 What happens?

Prompt 3 There is nothing to see, so we look
I began to think if we got blind, what would happen. There is a boy in Columbia, he is blind, but he came to the campus everyday by himself without any help. I was so curious about his world. The specialty of him really inspired me.

Prompt 4 Change the world
It was Peter Fend, who made me really confused and struggled. I began asking, it’s art???!!!! Actually, I still doubt till now.

Prompt 5 Politics
I began to think about the relation between the image and language.

Prompt 6 Internal & External world
Actually, image is one of the things connecting our internal world and external world.

Prompt 7 Manifesto, My psychic atlas
I began to think about why I make images, or arts, to satisfy myself or to please others? Part of me want to be approved by my fellows, by the viewers, by the public, while part of me don’t want to cater to the people around, I want to keep my own identity. On one hand, I believe that a lot of artists can dance in their own stage without audience. I really respect that. Actually, a lot of great artists lived in their own world alone for a long time, even a life time. On the other hand, the aesthetic standard is created by human society, so it’s nearly impossible to escape.
I got the idea from Peter Fend that, art should do something more. I hope my works have the power to influence people, to make the world a better place. As a result, I will still live under the judgments. For me, I have to find the balance myself.

Midterm Pecha Kucha
I love the super intensive Pecha Kucha. I love ideas. I love the difference perspectives from the artists. Everyone loves.

Prompt 9 This is a Forgery
Is there anything I want to own so much that I even want to steal, to rob, or just forge? But art for me is something perceived by eyes, lock in mind. It’s not necessary own the concrete piece. If I want to forge, it must be a part of the other plan.

Promp 10 1-minute film
I began to rethink my way to create a work. I always want some clear ideas in my work. Can you think in an abstract way? Maybe this is the door to a new world for me.

Promp 11 What is image
It can be anything makes you feel.
But it’s still not real.

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