Visual Arts, Columbia University, New York

This course examines ways of looking and ways of seeing, both personally & professionally as artists and in a larger cultural context. Through field trips to contemporary art and other cultural sites, conversations with visiting critical thinkers and practicioners, readings, discussions, and visual & written responses, we will examine how we look, think, act, create and respond--critically questioning our own artistic practices and ways of looking at the world.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


[_] interested in identity, but if [_] said that aloud to more people, many probably wouldn’t take [__] seriously.  

“I want to fuck people I look like,” said [__] friend. 
[__] too!
“I want to look like people I want to fuck,” said another. 
[__] too!

Sometimes it tickles to be alive and sometimes it hurts. 

[_] am interested in performance of the self and performance of being a human, of gender, of ethnic and national pride--is this an internalized form of Orientalism? [_] wonder. Is this authentic, is the pathos real? But if it were not performed, would anyone notice? Is it worth noticing? What is worth noticing?

[_] realized [_] am Asian because white children informed [__] of this fact. 
Sometimes [_] am afraid that [_] notice too much and sometimes [_] worry that [_] am oblivious. 

Is [__] body real and where is it real and in relation to what is it real? 
And the fetishization of youth, of [______] as a gendered racialized body, it’s sexy right? 
[__] feet started smelling when [_] wore my mom’s shoes to work; [_] have been mistaken for Mulan multiple times though she’s been dead for 1500 years; [_] have a mug that says, “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” 
No one has ever told [__] that [_] can be anything [_] want when [_] grow up. If someone did, [_] would tell them they were lying; [_] have only flown in [__] dreams and in videogames. 
Sometimes, no one listens. Other times, people will do anything [_] want. 
Sometimes [_] have power and sometimes [_] do not. 
Where is ANYbody’s body real and how much is it worth? 

The surface is just as real as what’s underneath if you believe it is; sincerity of action and confidence in belief are key, especially if you’re aiming for hegemony. 
How long will it last?

Maybe the trace will last forever, maybe no one will notice it anyway.
What has the power of pervasiveness - cultural production, or “organic formation and movement?”
Where is the intersection, is there a difference and why does it matter? To whom does it matter, if at all?

Again, Authenticity
Representation Prestige Nausea Sincerity Love 
Does it rub [__] soul or just [__] flesh.  
Do people ever really understand each other? 
There are a lot of ways to be a human being.
There is a pendulum violently swinging between massive ego trip and crushing self-deprecation. 

Did you know you’re real? 


Don’t look at me! I WILL EXPLODE!

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