[muhth-er] –noun
1. One
person who does the work of twenty. For free.
(See: ‘masochist’, ‘loony’, ‘saint’.)
There is no greater blessing than being called a mom. A mom
may seem quiet and reserved, but if you mess with her children, she will break
out a level of crazy that will make your nightmares seem like a happy place.
Mom is always right. You know you’re a mom when picking up another human to
sniff their butt is not only normal, but necessary. ‘Like’ if your child is the
most beautiful thing you have ever made. A worried mother does better research
than the FBI. Without my children, my house would be clean and my wallet would
be full but my HEART would be empty. Every mom deserves a shower like this. My
kids are my <3 and everything. Hit ‘Like’ if your kids are the greatest
blessing in your life. I may seem quiet and reserved, but if you mess with my
kids, I will show you seven different kinds of crazy. True Story. Motherhood
<3. Without my kids, tomorrow wouldn’t be worth the wait and yesterday
wouldn’t be worth remembering.
Woo hoo, it’s Friday –Oh wait … I’m a mom. Every mom
deserves a Jacuzzi like this! Every mom deserves a cozy getaway like this. Share if you
agree. Every mom deserves a house like this. Home is not home without “Mom.” Like
if you agree. Every mom needs this pillow. Every mom deserves a cake like
this. Every mom needs to be hugged like this. Every mom deserves to be loved. Sometimes
when I open my mouth, my mother comes out:
(See also: woman)
[woo m-uh n] –noun
1. One
who builds a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her.
Woman was made by the rib of man, from under his arm, to be
protected by him. Real men respect women. Real men like curves, only dogs do
bones. ‘Like’ if you know what a REAL woman is. Share if you know what a REAL
man is. Real men never beat women, they beat assholes who do. It doesn’t matter
what she did, it’s never okay to hit a woman, ever. Real women know that relationships
are very simple, either you get married or your break up. Real men are kind to
animals; share if you agree! What you allow is what will continue. Real men do
real things. [Wedding] bands will make her dance!
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