It was really very hard for me to decide which painting I would steal and forge because I was being torn in two different directions. On was about the love of painting and the other about a killer prize I would get for the painting. For both paintings I would approach the forgery in the very same way. I would steal the painting from the museum. I would hire Pierce Brosnan from the movies “The Thomas Crown Affair” and let him do his magic. Nobody can compete with this slick handsome robber. Once in my possession somewhere hidden in the middle of Poland's unattractive countryside I would go to work and try my very best to learn the technique the painters used to make their masterpieces. I would make the forgeries which would probably take me a good portion of my life. Once they looked identical I would sell the the Van Gogh to a rich man that would not care that it had been stolen. I would return the forgery to the museum, maybe my only chance to have a Julia original hang in the MoMa and ask the rich man to pay many, many, many millions of dollars. The other piece by Francis Bacon I would keep forever in my own home and cherish it every signle day. The beautifully done forgery I would return to the Tate. Lets hope I was brilliant enough that both museums would never know that they received forgeries. This way my work would hang in NY and London. I would also be very rich at this point and unfortunately very old since it took me forever to paint my forgeries. So I say a life well spent...? In hindsight I realize that if I could paint as perfectly as Van Gogh and Francis Bacon I should have been able to have my very own career...
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