An image that I would like to forge will be one of Cezanne's "Card Players." This morning I read this article and it got me thinking about how there are so many question marks around "Card Players." I also remembered that about a year ago I went to the Met to see the exhibit, Cezanne's Card Players, and I was honestly shocked that instead of all five originals I saw only three and the other two were black and white photographs of the works. Huge disappointment!
From the article, it seems that there is a big mystery not only about how many watercolor studies Cezanne actually made, but also about the fact that the fifth oil painting is no where to me found. Sources claim that it might be either in Qatar, Greece, or Russia, but these are pure speculations. The article states, "Painting was said to be up for sale for $250 million. Some art dealers contend it was bought by the Qatar royal family; others speculate that it was purchased by the heir to another Greek shipping fortune, Philip Niarchos; still others say it could also have disappeared into a collection in Russia. But no one is saying for sure." So since it might be in my motherland, for this forgery assignment, I would like to claim that the missing Cezanne is actually in my possession and I am willing to put it up for an action while staying anonymous. I will probably hire a professional forger to create a masterful copy. Once uncovered this can become THE scandal of the century!
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