Visual Arts, Columbia University, New York

This course examines ways of looking and ways of seeing, both personally & professionally as artists and in a larger cultural context. Through field trips to contemporary art and other cultural sites, conversations with visiting critical thinkers and practicioners, readings, discussions, and visual & written responses, we will examine how we look, think, act, create and respond--critically questioning our own artistic practices and ways of looking at the world.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Prompt 1 (CR)

I actually have no background on this image. I have no idea where it's from, when it was made, or anything pertaining to the situation shown. But there's something about fooling conventions that really compels me. Our minds are trained to recognize certain images and distortions, that when something is off, it's interesting to see how we react. I actually prefer that I can't see the face of the guy in the blue coat on the left side of the image. I'd like to think he was un-phased, but imagine seeing that in real life; easier said than done. But this image is dark, but witty and kind of funny, but also a little disturbing. There's a beautiful contradiction between the top image and that moment of recognition, and the bottom image where that recognition becomes flipped upside down. It's just confusing and the library in the background is a nice backdrop, I think.

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