Visual Arts, Columbia University, New York

This course examines ways of looking and ways of seeing, both personally & professionally as artists and in a larger cultural context. Through field trips to contemporary art and other cultural sites, conversations with visiting critical thinkers and practicioners, readings, discussions, and visual & written responses, we will examine how we look, think, act, create and respond--critically questioning our own artistic practices and ways of looking at the world.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


-Manita, Ahmedabad, India
Fazal Sheikh
-Design for a Carved Mirror Frame (right side only)
Anonymous, British, 17th century
-Abraham Entertaining the Angels from Scenes from the Lives of Abraham and Isaac

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Prompt 8

Things I Need
-lots of time 
-time that I don’t feel guilty about using for my art
-courage/ more confidence in myself
-financial stability
-proper lighting

Things I Want
-a really big table
-glue gun
-a printer


Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I need
to not take myself too seriously
solitude sometimes
people to look at or have looked at or a mirror
eyes (not really)

I want
a disembodied voice studio assistant
a broom
a relaxed daily pace
people to give things to or make things for
access to a potter’s wheel and some sort of kiln
other people’s eyes (in a bucket)

needs and wants

what I want:

a space under my control
a lot of time
a lot of strong emotion
a sense of importance
approval for my actions
a lot of charcoal, paper, ink or paint, brushes, a camera, computer,
an ability to speak
a schedule

what i need:

a sensitive and open body

I want I need

a studio
new oil paints
mulberry paper
air brushing kit
storage locker

Want to be a lazy cat sitting in a patch of sunlight on a porch in New Orleans
Want sand between my toes and an ocean to dissolve in
Want to denounce all earthly possessions and move to the mountains
Want to meet a mermaid
Want to stop hoarding things
Want a reality check (sometimes)


Wants and Needs

Things I Need:

A laptop
Subject Matter

Things I Want:

My own studio
A sense of purpose
A job when I graduate
Stability in my life

promt 8

Things I need
-       family, love and their support
-       faith
-       friends
-       new camera
-       good lighting and windows
-       sun and good weather
-       my own space
-       time with family

Things I want
-       time
-       space
-       faith in myself
-       money and time to travel to anywhere I want
-       health
-       perseverance
-       good food
-       broader perspective
-       security + stability +assurance
-       creativity + inspiration
-       my own house/studio in New York
-       $$$ to do my own art

realized ideas qualifications / warranted confidence a place to go back to 
to remember names better because kindness a new name a kitty on a well lit window 9 more lives a smaller head maybe the ability to simplify, clarify, consolidate, obscure  printers and cutters, paint and more gampi maybe the perfect bevel and perfect accidental scratches   see myself through the eyes of whom

Prompt #8: Wants + Needs


Darkroom access
Black and white film (35mm and 120)
My family of cameras
A space of my own
A 35mm lens
Other people
To stay interested


An immediate-future life plan
A job
Money $$$
My own Mamiya TLR camera
A large format camera
A tintype kit
Stability (re: a place to belong/stay and work)
Instability (the option to live somewhat spontaneously)
To fuse myself with the visual arts department here
To both stay here and live near my family (an impossibility) 

Art things I want and art things I need


  1. A full-frame Nikon digital camera
  2. An Epson 7900 large-format printer
  3. Jon Cone's refillable ink cartridges made for Epson printers
  4. A mac desktop computer
  5. A Spyder color calibration system
  6. Hahnemühle fine art paper
  7. My own personal digital darkroom studio
  1. A new eyepiece for my Nikon D7000's viewfinder
  2. An Epson 3380 printer
  3. Generic Epson print cartridges
  4. Inkjet paper
  5. Some studio lighting
  6. A new tripod

Prompt 8: Wants and Needs

Things I Need:
·      Paper
·      Ink and gouache
·      Brushes and Pens. Also pencils.
·      Good lighting and windows
·      Tea
·      X-acto knife and cutting mat.
·      Food
·      Water
·      Weekly Figure drawing sessions
·      Wall space and floor space. Maybe a table. Maybe a pillow or blanket to sit on. Probably a computer.
·      Outlets in the walls. Correspondingly, electricity.

Things I Want:
·      Unlimited audiobooks
·      A cintiq
·      Netflix
·      My own kitchen.
·      Access to a printshop.
·      A cold room

Prompt 8

Things I need:
- Perspective

Things I want:
- Good health
- Good food
- People I care about
- People who care about me

I know this prompt is making a list of things we want/need for our work. But I don't know what I want to do yet. I have worked at a factory, a chemistry lab, in food service, tech services, run my own photography business, and more (I've never known what I want to do). In all of these industries, I have learned that the things I listed are the ones that are important to me. I can be happy without a lot of things, like a computer, or without a room of my own. I can't be happy without good health, good food (my greatest passion in life), and my friends/family. I need the perspective because sometimes I forget that these are the only important things, and then I start thinking I need things that I don't.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Courtland Thomas – Prompt 8 (11/19)

A laptop with Creative Suite & Final Cut Pro
Photo studio space (ideal: lower Manhattan, reality: Brooklyn); rooftop access preferred
Nikon D5100
A tripod
Lighting equipment
White cloth and paper backdrops

A 21.5-inch iMac with Creative Suite & Final Cut Pro and free Internet/WiFi
Several thousand macaroons in all available flavors
A studio assistant, preferably with a European accent
All of the lenses. Every. Single. One. (Including that one that is really just a coffee cup.)
My own "Core Curriculum."

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Prompt #8

In no particular order

Things I want:

- Permanent lease on warehouse studio
- PDQ within walking distance
- Return of "Better off Ted"
- Unlimited Amtrak free ride ticket
- Membership to The Explorer's Club in NYC
- Steinway grand piano
- DeLorean DMC-12
- Neverending pasta pass from Olive Garden
- Signed photograph from Michael Jackson
- Publix in Manhattan
- Conan O'brien to host The Tonight Show
- Lifetime supply of Kusmi Tea
- Lifetime supply of Wild Turkey 101
- HBO subscription
- Liszt's hands
- A way to answer the question "where are you from" and say "florida" without sounding defensive and making both sides feel awkward
- Flubber
- Second Simpsons movie
- Detroit Lions to win Super Bowl
- For it to stop raining all the goddamned time
- Personal robot assistant, preferably like Number 5 from Short Circuit (negotiable)
- Go on a road trip across America
- My old dog back
- Moon base
- Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission decision to be overturned
- No more MTA constructions
- Also, for MTA buses to not stop every fucking 2 streets
- "Christina's World" by Andrew Wyeth
- Answer key to my Financial Accounting class final exam
- To have more than 300 followers on my instagram account
- Talk like Clint Eastwood
- Be represented by Castelli gallery
- Brain, Heart and Courage, and to go back home
- Find out where home is

Things I need:

- 忍
- 忠
- 恕

Tony Lee